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Monitor Processes

The container runs multiple processes, including the Appsmith server, Caddy, MongoDB, etc., inside a single Docker container. These processes are started, managed, and monitored by Supervisor for your self-hosted instance.

Supervisor provides:

Web interface

To set up the credentials for accessing the web interface, update the environment variables:

  1. Go to the docker.env file available in the stacks/configuration folder.
  2. Set the values for the below variables:
  1. Access the web interface of Supervisord to manage the Appsmith server, Caddy, MongoDB, and other components at http://[my_domain]/supervisor. For example, if Appsmith is accessible via http://localhost, you can access the Supervisor web interface at http://localhost/supervisor.
The web interface listing of all the managed processes
The web interface listing of all the managed processes

Command line interface

The command line interface also helps in managing the Appsmith server, Caddy, MongoDB, and more.

For example:

  • Check the status of all running processes with:
docker-compose exec appsmith supervisorctl status
  • View the last few lines of the stderr output of a specific process with:
docker-compose exec appsmith supervisorctl tail <process_name> stderr

Refer to the Supervisor official documentation to learn more about the supervisorctl actions.